
XRG determines potential and verifies actual building performance

XRG Analytics is a consulting firm that specializes in building performance. We have broad experience evaluating the technical and economic impact of energy related improvements in institutional, health care, office, religious, and industrial applications. We specialize in supporting design teams evaluating and pursuing high performance buildings. XRG services span energy studies and modeling, commissioning, and measurement and verification of performance. We have and are currently working with design/construction teams on multiple projects that have completed or are pursuing LEED certification. We have the demonstrated experience to satisfy the LEED requirements and more importantly execute the quality assurance that the commissioning process is designed to achieve.Specializing in:

  • Energy Modeling

  • Building Commissioning

  • Performance Monitoring and Verification (M&V)

  • LEED certification support services

Exergy is a thermodynamic term describing the portion of energy in a system available to do useful work.